Pied-billed Grebe |
N |
Fairly common year-round at least 4 reservoirs |
American White Pelican |
Overflight only during migration |
Double-crested Cormorant |
Uncommon to locally fairly common visitant to the larger reservoirs at least from late winter to mid-spring |
Great Blue Heron |
N* |
Mostly common resident. Rookery east of HQ no longer exists; location of current nest site unknown |
Great Egret |
Uncommon in late winter and spring (11 Feb-6 Apr) at reservoirs |
Green Heron |
n |
Observed only during the breeding season, but may occasionally be found at other seasons |
Tundra Swan |
Overflight only on 28 Feb 93 |
Snow Goose |
Overflight only on 28 Feb 93 |
Canada Goose |
? |
Commonly seen flying over SWA, occasionally lands. Possible nesting on SWA improbable due to disturbance, limited grazing |
Wood Duck |
N |
Fairly common resident, but uncommon during hunting season, common in early spring |
Green-winged Teal |
One observation 26 Apr 93 (3 pair) at Pittman Reservoir. At least one previous (unverified) sighting in 1978. |
Mallard |
N |
Common at all seasons, except during hunting season when uncommon. Nests at reservoirs, potholes and along creeks |
Cinnamon Teal |
? |
One observation 31 May 95 (1 male) on Pittman Reservoir. |
Gadwall |
? |
One observation: a pair on Pittman Reservoir 27 Feb 97 |
American Wigeon |
Two observations: 18 Sep 92 Pittman Res.; 30 Jan 94 (pair) Horseshoe Res. Probably a rare to uncommon migrant |
Redhead |
One observation 7 Mar 93 (2) Horseshoe Reservoir. Rare. At least one previous (unverified) observation in 1974-75 |
Ring-necked Duck |
Fairly common in mid-winter to early spring (11 Feb-7 April). Probably third most common duck after MALL and WODU |
Bufflehead |
One observation 22 Mar 93 (2 F) at pothole N of Long Ravine Rd. Probably rare to uncommon. |
Common Merganser |
? |
Uncommon to locally fairly common at Pittman Res and Dry Creek in winter to mid-spring |
Ruddy Duck |
Two observations: 28 Feb 93 and 15 July 94 (1 F) Pittman Res. Several previous sightings including mid-May 1974 (Bill Rogers) |
Turkey Vulture |
? |
Common at all seasons but less numerous during winter. Possible breeder but nest site not known |
Osprey |
Migrant only in fall and spring. One perched at swim hole 23 April 1995. |
White-tailed Kite |
N |
Uncommon to common resident, less often observed in early winter. Forages in more mesic, taller grasslands |
Bald Eagle |
Fairly common in late winter (11 Feb-6 Mar) mostly in overflight, but does use SWA |
Northern Harrier |
? |
Fairly common to common in winter, uncommon at other seasons (9 July-12 March, 23 April) except in spring when absent |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Uncommon except during breeding season when absent |
Cooper's Hawk |
N |
Uncommon to common, most numerous in fall. Uncommon but regular nester in dense live oak woodlands |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
n |
Found year-round locally in woodland near riparian areas or open water. Nest not yet confirmed |
Red-tailed Hawk |
N |
Common at all seasons, abundant in winter. Breeding population appears to be saturated with several immature birds |
Ferruginous Hawk |
Uncommon in winter (8 Nov-8 Apr) in open savannah. |
Golden Eagle |
? |
Scattered observations from February to late May. Status at other seasons unclear. May nest on or near SWA |
American Kestrel |
N |
Common resident, but not especially numerous as a breeder |
Merlin |
One observation 5 Feb 94 at Jones' Corral; another probable sighting at the same location 29 Nov 93 |
Prairie Falcon |
Uncommon, so far only during spring (7 Mar 94) and fall (18 Oct-9 Nov) migration in the grasslands near Cox Creek |
Ring-necked Pheasant |
? |
Rare, breeding status not known. Observations from September and Feb-April all near Cox Creek. May increase with enclosure |
Wild Turkey |
N |
Rare to common resident. Most conspicuous from early spring-summer when they move to lower elevations to breed |
California Quail |
N |
Fairly common to common resident. Numbers appear to be much below carrying capacity due to hunting pressure |
California Gull |
One observation 6 March 94 of 250 migrating E over Cox Creek. No other observations of any gull species |
Black Rail |
n |
First found 1995, (6) found along Cox Creek 23 Sep 1995. |
Virginia Rail |
n |
No observations prior to 1 Mar 93 at Cox Creek after which they apparently nested and were fairly common thereafter |
Sora |
? |
One heard in pothole in Jones' Excl. 24 Apr 93. Other possible observations, but rare and probably irregular |
Common Moorhen |
N |
Fairly common breeder, uncommon at other seasons. Nesting confirmed only at Pittman, but probably nests at others |
American Coot |
N |
Fairly common resident, slightly more numerous than COMO, but so far absent in winter. Young seen by 14 May |
Sandhill Crane |
Overflight only during spring (Feb-early Mar) and fall (Sep) migration |
Northern Bobwhite |
One observation 24 Jan 93 along Jones Creek; undoubtedly a bird surviving from field trials |
Killdeer |
N |
Mostly locally common resident. Nests only on barren or nearly barren areas; young seen as early as 7 April |
Greater Yellowlegs |
At least an uncommon spring migrant at potholes and flooded or wet areas in the open |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Two observations: 18 Sep 92 Pittman Reservoir; 9 May 93 on a gravel bar at the Dry Creek swim hole |
Common Snipe |
N |
Fairly common breeder in wet grasslands, rare at other seasons. I estimated 3-6 territories in 93 and 94 |
Caspian Tern |
One observation 8 July 92 flying over Jones Exclosure. Rare migrant |
Rock Dove |
? |
Uncommonly seen in small flocks overhead. Not known to nest but observed searching for nest sites at Waldo bridge |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
Seen in winter-spring 93 and 28 May 94, but movements are erratic and may be seen in numbers in any given year |
Mourning Dove |
N |
Abundant as a breeder, but uncommon to rare at other seasons |
Barn Owl |
n |
Found year-round roosting in dense live oaks and almost certainly nests. Pellets had almost all pocket gophers in 93-94 |
Western Screech-Owl |
n |
Probably fairly common resident in oak woodlands; observed regularly at HQ |
Great Horned Owl |
N |
Common, even abundant, and widespread resident. Nests from open savannah to closed-canopy woodland |
Long-eared Owl |
N |
Rare breeder, status at other seasons unknown. Nest with 3 young found in 93; did not return to same site in 94 |
Black Swift |
Rare migrant, extremely unlikely but possible breeder at Shingle Falls. Tim Manolis observed a flock of 6 flying N on 28 May 93 |
Black-chinned Hummingbird |
N |
Fairly common breeder in riparian areas. Occupied nest found on branch overhanging Dry Creek |
Anna's Hummingbird |
n |
Fairly common to common resident and migrant except during late fall-winter when uncommon |
Calliope Hummingbird |
? |
Two males observed 23 April 1995 feeding on winter vetch. Expected to be a rare to uncommon spring migrant |
Rufous Hummingbird |
Uncommon spring (7 Mar-8 Apr) and fall (8 Jul-12 Aug) migrant |
Belted Kingfisher |
N |
Fairly common to common resident in small numbers |
Lewis' Woodpecker |
Abundant during fall-spring (4 Sep 92-24 May 93) in oak savannah; absent in 93-94; present 94-95; absent 95-96; common 96-97 |
Acorn Woodpecker |
n |
Common to abundant resident. They all but disappeared from occupied areas when many Lewis' Woodpeckers arrived |
Red-breasted Sapsucker |
Fairly common winter resident (11 Aug-7 Apr), usually in riparian or mesic woodlands |
Nuttall's Woodpecker |
N |
Common resident mostly in blue oak woodlands but occurs in all wooded habitats |
Downy Woodpecker |
N |
Fairly common. Probably restricted to riparian areas for nesting and found there predominantly during other seasons |
Hairy Woodpecker |
One observation of a female 27 Feb 1997 at the confluence of Little Dry Creek and Dry Creek |
Northern Flicker |
? |
Common when present, but no May or June observations; nest status uncertain |
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
Uncommon spring migrant. Four observations (14-24 May) all atop prominent snags |
Western Wood-Pewee |
n |
Fairly common in taller, mixed woodlands. Has maintained local territories each year, but no direct evidence of nesting |
Willow Flycatcher |
Fairly common late spring (May-Jun) and fall (Aug-Sep) migrant. Potential nesting extremely unlikely |
Hammond's Flycatcher |
Certain observations 25 April 93 below Pittman Reservoir, 14 Apr 95 (1-2) at Houndog Flat. Probably an uncommon migrant. |
Dusky Flycatcher |
One certain observation 9 May 93. Probably an uncommon to fairly common migrant |
Gray Flycatcher |
Probably an uncommon to fairly common migrant. Appeared to be the most numerous of the three migrant-only Empids in 1993 |
Pacific-slope Flycatcher |
n |
Fairly common to locally common. Not confirmed nesting, but birds seen searching for nest sites or nest material |
Black Phoebe |
N |
Common except in early winter. Nests near or over water and mostly on man-made structures; first egg on 7 March in 94 |
Say's Phoebe |
Fairly common in savannah or woodland clearings especially with many low perches (5 Sep-25 Mar). Roosts at HQ |
Ash-throated Flycatcher |
N |
Common breeder in oak woodlands, though numbers somewhat limited by a lack of shrubby understory |
Western Kingbird |
N |
Abundant in savannah, open woodland, and riparian areas with tall trees |
Horned Lark |
? |
Observed occasionally in overflight; probably used to nest on SWA but no longer because of reduced grazing |
Tree Swallow |
N |
Common breeder and migrant (29 Jan-18 Oct). Returns early only to most favored semi-colonial nest sites |
Violet-green Swallow |
N |
Fairly common breeder to abundant migrant (19 Feb-17 Oct) in blue oak woodlands and savannah |
N. Rough-winged Swallow |
N |
Common breeder but numbers fairly small. Nests locally in eroded, vertical stream banks |
Cliff Swallow |
N |
Fairly common in spring and summer. Presently known to nest only at Waldo bridge in small numbers |
Barn Swallow |
N |
Uncommon breeder. Only confirmed nest in culvert under road |
Steller's Jay |
Irregularly rare to fairly common in winter. Flock of 14 on 27 Feb 1997. |
Scrub Jay |
N |
Common, but not very numerous as populations are probably limited by a lack of shrub cover |
Yellow-billed Magpie |
N |
Locally common in oak savannah. Their nests are secondarily important for owls, especially Great Horned Owls |
American Crow |
n |
Fairly common, local nester in live oaks. Used nests very important for many raptors. Sensitive to human disturbance |
Plain Titmouse |
N |
Common to abundant resident in oak woodlands. Densities appear higher where live oaks provide winter foraging sites |
Bushtit |
N |
Common to abundant resident largely due to the many live oaks in which they prefer to both forage and nest |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
N |
Common resident in blue oak woodlands |
Brown Creeper |
One observation 9 Nov 92 from a large valley oak along Little Dry Creek. Rare migrant but may also winter |
Rock Wren |
? |
One 20 Nov - Dec 93; (1) Pittman Rd. 94; (1) Ceanothus Hill 23 Sep 95. An Apr-May 74 record (B. Rogers) suggests past nesting |
Bewick's Wren |
N |
Common resident in a variety of habitats but always with some shrubby understory |
House Wren |
N |
Common breeder. Irregularly fairly common in weedy grassland/open riparian areas in winter. Little Dry Creek 27/Feb 97. |
Winter Wren |
One observation on 9 Dec 94 at base of old Spenceville Rd. bridge at Dry Creek. Included on existing species list |
Marsh Wren |
? |
Common in winter, so far absent as a breeder |
American Dipper |
N |
One first observed 25 May 94 below Shingle Falls (elev. 600 ft); pair making food deliveries to nest on 28 May 94; nest 1995 |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Observed during fall/winter 93-94 and was fairly common. Expected to be irregularly rare to fairly common |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Abundant in winter in many woodland types. Late date 14 May 1994 |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
N |
Uncommon to common except in late fall and winter (20 Mar-17 Oct). Parasitized by BHCO, but has nested successfully |
Western Bluebird |
N |
Fairly common to common resident, but numbers appear to be limited probably by available nest sites and starlings |
Mountain Bluebird |
Two observations: 1 Mar 93 near Waldo Corral; 8 Nov 94 S of Jones' Corral; apparently does not winter on a regular basis |
Hermit Thrush |
Common winter resident and migrant. Numbers affected by available fruit |
Swainson's Thrush |
Four observations from May 94. Perhaps a fairly common spring migrant in dense, moist riparian woodland |
American Robin |
N |
Common resident. Seasonal movements take them to several habitat types at different parts of the year |
Varied Thrush |
Rare in winter in dense, shaded woodland; probably common during periodic invasion years. 9 27 Feb 1997. |
Wrentit |
n |
Very local in dense riparian areas and in successional stages of scrubby live oak woodland |
Northern Mockingbird |
n |
Fairly common local nester nearly restricted to Pyracantha, though they do nest uncommonly in oak savannah |
Sage Thrasher |
One observation 30 Jan 93 from lower Cox Creek. Vagrant |
American Pipit |
Fairly common to common in winter, most often observed in overflight, but occasionally lands both singly and in large flocks |
Cedar Waxwing |
Fairly common to abundant in spring and fall (especially at wild grapes) migration, but mostly absent in winter |
Phainopepla |
N |
Fairly common from April-late November, but may occur irregularly in small numbers during the winter |
Loggerhead Shrike |
N |
Uncommon from late fall-early winter, locally fairly common breeder in small numbers: only three known territories. |
European Starling |
N |
Abundant resident, more widespread when breeding but apparently not as numerous as habitats near suburban or ag land |
Solitary Vireo |
? |
Three observations: 14, 25 May 94; 11 Apr 95 (2-3). Probably an uncommon spring migrant, rare in fall |
Hutton's Vireo |
N |
Common in live oak dominated woodlands, but only fairly common in mid-winter when more difficult to detect |
Warbling Vireo |
? |
Common spring migrant in both oak and riparian woodlands, apparently less numerous in fall and mostly near water |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
N |
Common breeder and migrant, probably winters occasionally. Nests in woodlands, mostly riparian and live oak, with shrubs |
Nashville Warbler |
? |
Common early spring migrant (7 Apr-9 May), uncommon fall migrant. |
Yellow Warbler |
N |
Locally common breeder, fairly common to common migrant. More widespread in fall |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Abundant and widespread winter resident |
Black-throated Gray Warbler |
Probably a fairly common migrant, mostly seen in oak woodlands but also seen at Jones Corral in fall (18 Oct). |
Townsend's Warbler |
One observation 14 May 94; Probably an uncommon spring migrant |
Hermit Warbler |
One observation 9 May 93 in live oaks along Dry Creek. Probably uncommon migrant in woodland areas |
American Redstart |
One observation 5 September 92 in riparian vegetation below Pittman Res. Vagrant |
MacGillivray's Warbler |
Fairly common migrant in riparian areas with a moist, dense understory |
Common Yellowthroat |
? |
Possible nesting 31 May 95 (1 male). Fairly common migrant in open, marshy riparian areas. |
Wilson's Warbler |
Common along streams and in live oaks during migration |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
N |
Common breeder (23 Apr-5 Sep). Suitable nesting habitat probably near saturation |
Western Tanager |
? |
Fairly common to common spring and fall migrant, most numerous in fall. Seen as early as 8 July |
Black-headed Grosbeak |
N |
Common in riparian areas but also found in diverse, multi-leveled deciduous woodland -- usually more mesic sites |
Lazuli Bunting |
N |
Fairly common breeder in riparian areas and in other habitats with scattered shrubs except in dense woodland |
Rufous-sided Towhee |
N |
Common in winter, fairly common but localized breeder in riparian areas or woodlands with a very dense understory |
California Towhee |
N |
Fairly common resident in areas with a shrubby understory. Often in more open areas than RSTO but usually near water |
Rufous-crowned Sparrow |
N |
Common resident except during winter when less conspicuous. Occasionally the most numerous bird in its favored habitat |
Chipping Sparrow |
N |
Fairly common to common breeder in blue oak woodlands with an open, grassy understory |
Brewer's Sparrow |
One observation 23 May 93 along lower Cox Creek. Probably a very rare migrant |
Vesper Sparrow |
Observed 18 Sep 92 (2) in Jones' Exclosure; 20 Mar 93, 14 Sep 94 NE of Waldo bridge. Rare to uncommon migrant, may winter |
Lark Sparrow |
N |
Fairly common to abundant, but perhaps less numerous than formerly when grazing was heavier |
Black-throated Sparrow |
n |
Four observed 28 May 94 at Ceanothus Hill. Probable irregular breeder. Also observed 22 Mar 93 from Jones' Exclosure |
Savannah Sparrow |
Abundant in grassland and weedy areas, especially near cover provided by marshy vegetation |
Grasshopper Sparrow |
n |
One observation 13 May 94; singing birds in May 93 |
Fox Sparrow |
Uncommon to fairly common in winter near dense riparian areas, more often observed in migration |
Song Sparrow |
N |
Locally common in winter, very local and in small numbers as a breeder in marshy riparian areas |
Lincoln's Sparrow |
Abundant (5 Sep- 26 Apr) in weedy grasslands and edges of non-wooded (mostly) riparian areas |
Swamp Sparrow |
One individual observed from 13 Feb-12 Mar 94 along lower Cox Creek, and again on 22 May at Dry Creek. Vagrant |
Golden-crowned Sparrow |
Common to abundant winter resident near very dense cover and usually in wooded areas |
White-crowned Sparrow |
Abundant winter resident in many habitats but rarely far from dense cover |
Dark-eyed Junco |
Fairly common to common winter resident in blue oak woodlands |
Red-winged Blackbird |
N |
Abundant resident. Roosts and breeds in marshes and wet grasslands |
Tricolored Blackbird |
? |
Uncommon in late winter and spring and possible breeder. Flocks usually seen in transit but also feed in grasslands |
Western Meadowlark |
N |
Abundant; more numerous but usually clumped during winter |
Brewer's Blackbird |
N |
Fairly common to abundant resident, most often in open disturbed habitats |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
N |
Common parasitic breeder, rare or absent in winter. Frequents areas with sparse vegetation for feeding |
Northern Oriole |
N |
Usually ? abundant breeder; one of the most numerous birds in summers 92+93 in riparian areas but also nests in oak woodland |
Purple Finch |
N |
Rare but probably regular breeder, irregularly fairly common in winter. Adults with three fledglings confirmed nesting |
House Finch |
N |
Mostly common resident, but fairly common in mid-winter. Relatively limited numbers may reflect lack of residences |
Pine Siskin |
Irregularly uncommon to common in winter (as 1992-93) and perhaps a rare but regular migrant |
Lesser Goldfinch |
N |
Common to abundant resident in many habitat types, but mostly near thistles in winter, woodland egdes when breeding |
Lawrence's Goldfinch |
N |
Uncommon to locally common from at least 14 Mar-18 Jun. Closely associated with water, grit/mineral sources, and fiddleneck |
American Goldfinch |
N |
Fairly common to common near riparian areas in summer and grasslands in winter. Flocks up to 300 feeding in oaks in spring |
Evening Grosbeak |
One flock of observed flying over swim hole on 9 Dec 1994. Expected to be irregularly rare in winter |
House Sparrow |
? |
Three observations: 21 Sept 92 (2); 4 Dec 93; 14 Feb 94 after field trial. Rare dispersing migrant, not suspected of nesting |
N = confirmed nester |
N* = previously known nester not suspected of nesting during study period |
n = strongly suspected nester, many all but confirmed |
? = possible nester based on seasonal sightings on SWA, habitat, and general status elsewhere in foothills or valley |